Barbados – National Energy Policy 2019-2030

This Barbados National Energy Policy (BNEP) 2019-2030 document is designed to achieve the 100% renewable energy and carbon neutral island- state transformational goals by 2030.

These include:

  • Provision of reliable, safe, affordable, sustainable, modern and climate friendly energy services to all residents and visitors.
  • Zero domestic consumption of fossil fuels economy wide.
  • Export of all hydrocarbons produced both on land and offshore.
  • Maximising local participation (individual and corporate) in distributed renewable energy (RE) generation and storage (democratisation of energy).
  • Minimise the outflow of foreign exchange.
  • Creating a regional centre of excellence in RE research and development.

Electrified islands – The road to e-mobility int he Caribbean

Global electric vehiclei (EV) uptake is on the rise, propelled by declining battery costs, increased awareness, and
favorable government policies. EVs are attracting interest worldwide for their role in reducing carbon emissions and
local air pollution, but most progress to date has been concentrated in China, the United States, and Western
Europe. Despite low EV numbers in the Caribbean, several factors make the region ideal for expansion. Caribbean
islands are heavily dependent on oil imports, which makes fuel expensive and exposes them to oil price and foreign
exchange risk. Transport sectors account for a large share of energy consumption. Renewable energy potential is
abundant, meaning the environmental benefits of EVs can be maximized over time. And Caribbean islands are
vulnerable to natural disasters and can benefit from the ancillary resilience services of EVs. Finally, Caribbean
islands are small, naturally mitigating range anxiety and requiring less extensive charging networks.

Barbados – NDC

As a small island developing state (SIDS) that is extremely vulnerable to the adverse impacts of climate change and cognizant of the implications for its economic, social and environmental sectors, the Government of Barbados (GOB) ratified the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) in 1994 and the Kyoto Protocol in
2000. Since then, Barbados has actively participated in the Conference of Parties (COP) and related inter-sessional meetings of the UNFCCC, as well as undertaken a variety of measures that fit with the overarching objective of the Convention and intended to build national resilience to the challenges imposed by climate change. Accordingly, with the recognition of the need for an urgent global response to address the adverse impacts of climate change,
the GOB is expecting the agreed and adopted outcome of the 21st COP of the UNFCCC to be an internationally legally-binding agreement under the Convention that is in the form of a protocol and is applicable to all Parties.