GREEN YOUR BUS RIDE_ Clean Buses in Latin America
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- Tamaño del archivo 6.43 MB
- Recuento de archivos 1
- Fecha de creación enero 18, 2021
- Última actualización enero 18, 2021
Transport is the fastest growing source of greenhouse gas emissions worldwide, responsible for 23% of global CO2 emissions from fuel combustion. Driven by the unprecedented rate of urbanization and demand for transportation, transport has become the largest contributor of greenhouse gas emissions in Latin America.
This report presents the findings of a comprehensive study on the drivers and barriers to the uptake of cleaner technologies for public transport in five cities in Latin America: Buenos Aires (Argentina), Mexico City (Mexico),
Montevideo (Uruguay), Santiago (Chile) and São Paulo (Brazil). These cities were selected to represent a range of sizes, demographics, economies, transport systems, and governance structures in the Latin America region.
Their diverse experience is valuable for informing regional replication efforts on clean bus technologies.
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